Gynaecotyla longiintestinata is a marine trematode from the Aveiro estuary of Potugal. It is in the same family as
Maritrema novaezealandensis- the Microphallidae.
G. longiintestinata has a typical life-cycle for a trematode from the microphallid family - its uses a snail, in this case the intertidal whelk,
Nassarius reticulatus, as a first intermediate host. From there, free-swimming larval stages called cercariae are produced and released into the environment, where they infect the second intermediate host, in this case the crab,
Carcinus maenas. They occupy a very specific and peculiar microhabitat within the crab, namely its antennal glands. The definitive hosts of this parasite are shorebirds that feed on crabs.
Photo from:
Russell-Pinto, F. and Bartoli, P. (2002)
Cercaria sevillana n. sp., a new cercaria (Digenea: Microphallidae) from
Nassarius reticulatus (L.) (Mollusca: Prosobranchia) in Portugal. Systematic Parasitology 53: 175-182.
Contributed by
Tommy Leung.
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